Thursday, January 17, 2013

Treatments For Colon Cancer Including The Use Of The CyberKnife

By Agnes Franco

Cancer, in general, is a disease that brings fear to people who are afflicted by this illness. This is particularly true especially starting from the time he receives this bad news. Colon cancer, in particular, is a disease which is so serious but despite this, technology like the Denver CyberKnife plus medications allow to prevent further damage.

Early detection is one which is significant when combating this disease. Surgery to take out polyps which are cancerous is that treatment that is preferred if the disease is discovered early on. The removal of polyps during the early stage eliminates the disease entirely. Before it, though, colonoscopy plus screening is required.

Colon cancer at the late stage usually will need surgery which is more invasive, and one of these is colectomy. Such a treatment will excise that part of your colon which is cancerous, along with tissue spotted on either part of the part that is afflicted. Also, tests will be done on lymph nodes nearby.

The goal is trying to kill every cancer cell, preventing them from getting to other parts of your body. Often, a colectomy requires a patient to be wearing a bag for this purpose. This is either just temporary or permanent.

Typically, when colon cancer becomes discovered later, such is often past such a point wherein the process will still bring either cure or even remission. Surgical procedures might be done in grim situations. But this way of treatment is simply to reduce symptoms to make life not really hard.

Radiation is one predominantly being used when surgery will be done. The goal it has is to kill the cancer cells that got away when surgery or chemotherapy was done. This is also utilized prior to surgery since it tends to reduce the size of the tumor to make removal simple.

An improved form of radiation therapy is called Denver Cyberknife. This is one device which targets radioactive therapy to a properly defined site of therapy in a more accurate manner. This treatment is one which is deemed relatively new.

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